The add to cart & order process
In this section, we are going to highlight the order process.
An order can be defined as the purchase of tickets. An order can be placed and paid online, or via the Point of sales and in this case paid in cash.
How is an order placed in Eventic?
Attendees choose an event and click on the Tickets button
A pop up with the event tickets information shows where the attendee chooses the tickets number to buy
Next, attendees click on the Add to cart button
Attendees continue to add tickets to the cart or simply move to Checkout
The Checkout form contains the billing information and the payment method
Once the Pay Now button is clicked, the attendee is redirected to the secure payment gateway form
Upon payment success, the attendee is redirected to the order confirmation page
An confirmation email containing the tickets (PDF) is sent to the attendees
Last updated
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