Layout, Parameters and SEO

Now, go to the Settings > Layout, Parameters and SEO section in your dashboard

We are going to explain the available settings in this section:

App Environment

  • Production: If your platform is currently visible to customers, pages loading time is faster and debugging messages are displayed

  • Development: If you are modifying the source code or debugging some functionnalitites, the Symfony profiler will appear at the right bottom corner of all the pages

App Debugging

  • Enable: If you want to display error messages (if any), you should use this along with the Development Environment

  • Disable: Disable all debugging messages, you should use this along with the Production Environment

App Secret

This is a string that should be unique to your application and it is commonly used to add more entropy to security related operations

Maintenance mode

Enable maintenance mode to display a maintenance page for all users but the users who are granted the ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR role, if you lost your session, you can edit the MAINTENANCE_MODE parameter directly in the .env file

Maintenance mode custom message

Enter a custom message that will appear in the maintenance mode page

Date and time format

Project wide date and time format, follow this link for a list of supported characters: .

Please make sure to keep the double quotes " " around the format string.

The default format used by Eventic is: "eee dd MMM y, h:mm a z"

Alternative date and time format

Used in some specific cases, follow this link for a list of supported characters: .

Please make sure to keep the double quotes " " around the format string.

The default format used by Eventic is: "d/m/Y, g:i A T"

Date only format

Used in some specific cases, follow this link for a list of supported characters: .

Please make sure to keep the double quotes " " around the format string.

The default format used by Eventic is: "D j M Y"


Choose the timezone that applies to all the dates in the platform

Default language

Choose the default language that is used if no locale is passed to the homepage url

Available languages

Choose the languages that users can change to

Website name

This is the platform name that is used platform wide (reports, payments, emails...)

Website slug

Enter the chosen website name with no spaces and no uppercase characters (for SEO purposes)

Website url

Enter the full website url

Website root url

Enter the platform url without www nor http(s)

Website description

Enter the platform description, will be used in the meta description tag, the bottom of tickets, emails...

SEO keywords

Enter some keywords that represent your website, will be used in the meta keywords tag

Contact email

Enter the email that contact emails will be sent to, will be used in the contact form, displayed in the contact us page...

Contact phone

Displayed in the contact us page

Contact fax

Displayed in the contact us page

Contact address

Displayed in the contact us page

Facebook url

Displayed in the footer

Instagram url

Displayed in the footer

Youtube url

Displayed in the footer

Twitter url

Displayed in the footer

Application theme

Choose a color that will be used as the platform theme

Primary color code

Read only field, will be updated automatically when you choose a new color

No reply email address

Enter an email address that will be used to send outgoing emails like order confirmation, account activation link on registration...

Choose a 200x50 image size to ensure compatibility with the website design


We recommend a 48x48 image size

Show the back to top button

Displays a back to top button at the right bottom corner of every page

Shows the terms of service page link in the footer

Privacy policy page slug

Select the privacy policy page from the list of pages created in the Pages Section

Shows the cookie policy page link in the footer

Select the cookie policy page from the list of pages created in the Pages Section

Shows a bar at the bottom of every page containing a link to cookie policy page

Shows the GDPR compliance page link in the footer

Gdpr compliance page slug

Select the Gdpr compliance page from the list of pages created in the Pages Section

Custom css

Add a custom CSS code that will be applied to all the platform pages

Google analytics code

Add your Google Analytics Tracking ID to view detailed statistics about your website visitors

Last updated