
You can customize every section of the homepage:

What to show in the homepage hero ?

  • Hide slider: Show nothing

  • Events slider: Select a list of events that will be displayed in the slider

  • Organizers slider: Select a list of organizers that have a cover photo that will be displayed in a slider

  • Custom hero: You will have the ability to choose a custom background image, a heading and a paragraph (translatable)

Displays a search box below the homepage hero

Number of events to show

Choose the number of events to show in this section, put 0 to hide the entire section

Choose the number of featured categories to show in this section, put 0 to hide the entire section. You can set a category as Featured in the Categories section

Number of blog posts to show

Choose the number of blog posts to show in this section, put 0 to hide the entire section

Show the call to action block

Shows a call to action block inviting organizers to register

Last updated